Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First step:
 1.Why did you select the book you brought to class? Because i'm fan of soccer game. This book talks about this subject.
2. How many authors does it have? One author who is Michael Willinams

3. What is the title? Now Is The Time For Running

4. Who printed the book? Little, Brown And Company
 Distributed in the US? Yes
5. Which city was it printed in, and when? New Yourk Boston 2011

Second step:
      I read some of the story this book has and I can cover what I read with using Qoution mark.
The book is talking about a soccer game when a buy gets goal. The game was 2-1 and after a few  mins when he kicks the ball with his right feet toward the goalkeeper and passes him and goes inside to be 2-2 Javu gets goal. Javu says" I scoop the ball up with my foot , flick it up in the air, and head it past Bhuku, who is tje plodder of the group. Shadrack runs into the space to my left. this is going to be so easy."(1) I recommend the book to my classmates.

(1) Willaims, Michael, Now is the time for running, New York and Boston2011, page 4.

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